Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Update: A Trip to the Baby Doctor

Hopefully I hear about my labwork by the end of the week. While I wait on the fate of my thyroid—and everything else—let's discuss medicine, the practice of it that is, in its current state. My Hump Day was a bit more adventurous than the average day. While I waited in the exam room draped in a lovely pink paper number with a wide, gaping opening down the front, I thought about how uncomfortable I felt. Granted, I wasn't panicking—trembling a tad bit maybe—but I kept my composure, and my breath. Nonetheless, I thought about how I used to tell people that going to the gynecologist never bothered me at all—and it didn't. Truly.

It was a fact of life. I started going in my early teen years, maybe 14 or 15. I was on birth control by the latter. The routine annual appointment was nothing worrisome to me. I've successfully birthed two children. Vaginally. You'd think a room full of strangers during a moment like that would bar you of any future reservations, but when it came time to put my legs up in those stirrups, my stomach was a little worse for wear. I found myself feeling uneasy. The Doctor was great. He's great.

I am positive some of this anxiety comes from my own self esteem. I know, I know. Doctors aren't there to check you out. Well, not like that. That doesn't make it any easier to strip down in front of them and lay still while they examine your bikini line vagina and feel you up perform a breast exam.

Blog coming to screeeeeeeeeeching halt...!

My NP's nurse just called to review my lab results.... and

Extremely low B12 and Vitamin D levels. So, it's weekly shots and pills for me for the next couple months. Hopefully this insane fatigue is gone soon.

Back to what I was ranting about... am I the only one wondering how much I should groom myself pre-OBGYN appointment? I can't be. Unfortunately, I'm down and out with a sore throat and headache that the Dr tells me will likely get worse and have to run its course over the next couple weeks. Greaaaaat.

For now, I'm off to work. TG I get to type from bed :) I consider myself lucky to have a freelance job every single day. Till next time folks- take care!

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